Fund investing
AVP invests into top-tier emerging and established venture-stage and growth funds across established venture ecosystems globally.
We also make secondary portfolio purchases, and co-invest selectively alongside our fund managers.
VC specialists
Being truly global and only focusing on venture allows us to have a deep understanding of the asset class, build strong relationships, and have unparalleled insights.
More than just capital
We work closely with our fund managers to create a partnership based on trust and collaboration, through an engaged relationship where we are able to provide more than just capital.
Global presence
We have people on the ground in Paris, London and New York, providing us with a localised presence on a global scale, to connect with managers in their ecosystems.
Unique relationship with world-leading insurers
Our unique relationships with AXA and Equitable enable us to provide our managers and their portfolio companies with business development opportunities and domain expertise.